What's difference of All Autel 808 Model? MX808 VS MK808 VS MP808 VS DS808
How to choose a Autel 808 model? Is there much difference of them?
Many customer ask these questions ,and can not decide which one is best for them , In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these models to help you choose the right one for your diagnostic needs.
First of all ,all autel tablet device can diagnosis multi-brand cars ,and with at least 28+ reset service.
Right now ,the 808 models: Maxicheck MX808S / /Maxicom MK808BT Pro // Maxipro MP808S Kit // Maxipro MP808BT Pro // Maxipro MP808BT Pro Kit // MaxiDas DS808S-BT Kit
Let's distinguish these models in the simplest way possible.
Among all the tablet 808 seies ,Autel Maxicheck MX808S and Autel Maxicom MK808BT Pro are basic starter level ,the main different of them is the connection ,MX808S is cable connection ,and MK808BT Pro is bluetooth connection with Mini VCI.
And MP808 and DS808 is more advanced with ECU CODING functions for some vehicles like BMW/Porsche/VW/Nissan/Hyundai etc.
So it is easy now: if you don't need ECU coding functions ,then consider MX808S and MK808BT Pro.
If you need ECU coding ,choose MP808 or DS808.
And the main difference of MP808 and DS808 is the free update time,MP808 Series has 2 years free update ,but DS808 only 1 year free update.
You may also notice there is 3 models of MP808 Series ,machine and functions all the same ,only connection and acces difference.
MP808S Kit=MP808S+a box of adaptors ,cable connection
MP808BT Pro=Bluetooth connection with mini VCI
MP808BT Pro KIT=MP808BT Pro+a box of adaptors.
For more details ,please check this tablet below:

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